
Boiling Springs - Heating & Air

Keep Up With The Big Dawg

Sneezin’ Season is here!
29 March 2019

Sneezin’ Season is here!

Ah.. ah.. ahhh.. choo! *sniffles*

Sorry.. It’s that wonderful time of year again! No.. Not college football season (sadly..) It’s allergy season. Or, as I personally like to call it, “sneezin’ season.”

Here are some interesting facts for you:

  1. 30% of adults and 40% of children in the US suffer from allergies.
  2. More than 50 million Americans total suffer from the seasonal sniffles.
  3. Roughly 8% of Americans report having hay fever.
  4. The average American spends 90% of their time indoors
  5. Indoor air is 2 to 5 times more polluted than outdoor air.
  6. 90% of US households have detectable levels of cat/dog allergens

*Source: https://www.webmd.com/allergies/allergy-statistics

Based on that list, here is what you can deduce pretty easily..

Even if you avoid going outside during the Spring like the bubonic plague, you are actually more exposed to allergens when you are indoors. And if you have a little Fluffy or Fido running around your house, that only increases your chances of experiencing allergy symptoms.

So, what does that have to do with HVAC? Your heating and air system is one of the main ways that allergens get spread throughout your home. Your HVAC equipment’s job is to cycle the air inside your home. While your system is running, it is pulling air out from inside your house to re-cool or heat it while simultaneously blowing in freshly cooled or warmed air. When your system sucks in air, it pulls in with it dust, dirt, pet dander, and other VOCs (volatile organic compounds). Depending on how well maintained your system is and how good/clean of an air filter you have, some of those particles can pass through and make it into your HVAC system, where it accumulates or gets blown back in through your vents.

Not only does your HVAC equipment help spread allergens throughout your home, but air conditioners and ductwork, with their constant availability of moisture, darkness, and organic food sources, are prime breeding grounds for other health hazards such as mold and mildew and pests such as mice and cockroaches.

So, what should you do about it? Well, for one, don’t turn your system off, take a bunch of bendaryl, put on a surgical mask, and curl up in the fetal position in the corner. (That was a joke.. But in all seriousness, taking your antihistamines is definitely a good idea, and you do not have to turn your system off in fear.) Here are a few links to other articles we have done that will give you some practical tips and solutions to help alleviate allergies and exposure to VOCs in the home.

Hopefully you have learned something from this that will aid you in your battle with the Allergy Empire (See what we did there?). Remember to change your air filters every month and to book a Spring tune up if you have not yet (a system with cleaned coils will spread less pollen and dust when your system is running!). Just call on The Team You Can Trust any time at (864)-578-7575!

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