
Boiling Springs - Heating & Air

Keep Up With The Big Dawg

  • Water Heaters or Ticking Time Bomb? You choose.
    14 October 2019

    Water Heaters or Ticking Time Bomb? You choose.

    Your home’s water heater and HVAC system have a good bit in common. Both are appliances most people forget they even have and don’t think about until they stop working properly or break. They also both require regular service in order to ensure the highest level of safety and efficiency. There are 3 different types ...

  • Mythbusters: HVAC Edition
    13 February 2019

    Mythbusters: HVAC Edition

    There are several old wives’ tales and myths that are taken for fact when it comes to home comfort. But, is there any truth to them at all? Let’s take a look at some of the common things people believe when it comes to heating and cooling their homes and bust up some myths. I ...