Sun rooms and add-ons to homes can make for a nice place to relax and read or create more space for you to store things, do laundry, entertain/accommodate guests, etc. But, most of the time, houses with such built on spaces struggle to keep heated or cooled efficiently. Even closing them off with a door ...
As a kid, did you ever have your mom or dad get mad at you for leaving the door open or constantly running in and out? You may have heard this phrase: “What are you trying to do? Air condition the whole neighborhood? You’re letting all the air out!” Truth be told, many of us ...
Do you have some rooms in your house where the vents seem to barely blow out any air at all while others make you feel like you own elves, 8 reindeer, and a sleigh? If so, more than likely you have an unbalanced airflow problem. The most common cause of airflow problems in home HVAC ...
Summer is now officially here! That means excruciatingly hot temperatures are coming. For most of us, that means higher electricity bills as we bump the thermostats down a few degrees for some relief from the heat. It’s tough having to choose between being comfortable at home and being able to enjoy certain pleasures such as ...