Sun rooms and add-ons to homes can make for a nice place to relax and read or create more space for you to store things, do laundry, entertain/accommodate guests, etc. But, most of the time, houses with such built on spaces struggle to keep heated or cooled efficiently. Even closing them off with a door ...
Attics. They make a great place to hoard or store stuff, and can also be a source of anxiety if you fear taking a bad step and falling through the ceiling. They are the place for air handlers and ductwork in most homes. Needless to say, an attic is a multifunctional space. It is also ...
If you haven’t heard… Winter (weather) is coming. Here are some helpful tips for protecting yourself, your pets, and your HVAC equipment during the upcoming storm. 1) Make sure your heat pump does not have a leaky gutter above it, as drippings can freeze on top of and inside your pump, causing restricted airflow ...